The TCS requires control over the allocation and release of key system resources, including database records, communication sockets, security keys, etc. TCS要求控制关键系统资源的分配和释放,包括数据库记录、通信套接字、安全密钥,等等。
When you're done, release the Shift key, and you return to the normal pointer. 当您完成时,释放Shift键,鼠标将返回到正常指针状态。
This first check ensures that a press and release is recorded for every key stroke you intended. 这第一个检查将确保记录每次击键的按下和释放操作。
Release key information to the public through major media. 重要信息将通过公共媒体进行发布。
InfoQ: Could you give us a short list of the main features of this release and the key additions from the earlier versions? InfoQ:能否简要介绍一下此次发布的主要特性以及相对于旧版本来说增加了哪些内容?
Overwhelming, lost controled inflammatory cell activation and inflammatory mediator release play a key role in the pathophysiology of multiple organ failure ( MOF). 广泛性失去控制的炎症细胞活化和炎症介质释放在多器官衰竭的发病过程中起重要作用。
The WHF also provides a media kit with radio script, launch press release, WHD key messages, diary note, and model letter for support. 世界心脏联盟也提供包含广播稿、活动通讯稿、世界心脏日的关键信息、日志以及赞助申请范文的媒体套餐。
When the International Energy Agency – the western countries 'energy watchdog-shocked oil markets by announcing a reserve release a few weeks ago, one key question on traders' minds was, how will China react? 数周前,当西方国家能源监督机构国际能源机构(IEA)宣布将释放战略储备从而引起石油市场震惊时,交易商想到的一个关键问题是:中国将作何反应?
To activate the broth and release its key ingredients, warm a small amount between your fingertips. 为激发活性,释放重要成份。以指肚温热少量的乳液。
Manual mode: Press the up or down of handle controller to lift up weight group to the test height, then press release key to enter test status. 如选择手动启动方式:按手柄控制器上的上下键来提起砝码组合上升到测试高度,然后按释放键,进入测试状态。
The Design and Realization of Acoustic Release Transponder's Key Function Unit 声学释放器关键功能单元设计与实现
Loosen the oil filter with special tool release key. 用专用工具释放钥匙松开机油滤清器。
To get the key again, the user just need to sample and input his iris biometrics into the neural network, if the iris code is correct enough, the system will release the key. 当需要获取密钥时,用户再次输入自己的虹膜图像,系统即可利用存贮的信息恢复出密钥。
The megakaryocyte, through platelet production and release of key endothelial trophogens, directly determines the integrity and viability of the microvascular bed of bone marrow. 巨噬细胞通过生成血小板和释放主要的内皮营养因子直接决定了骨髓微血管床的完整性和发育能力。
Design and Realization of GIS-based information inquiry and release system for management of key polluting sources 基于GIS的重点污染源管理信息查询与分布系统设计的实现
How many functions the colleges 'release is the key of the existence and development of colleges. 学校功能释放多寡是学校生存与发展的关键。
Heat release rate of furniture is the key parameter to evaluate the building fire hazard. 家具的热释放速率是衡量室内火灾危害程度的一个重要参数。
By the research of field-bus and low-voltage intelligent release in-country and out-country, some key design techniques of communicated intelligent release are concluded in this paper. 本课题通过对国内外低压智能脱扣器产品以及现场总线技术进行研究和比较,归纳出可通信智能脱扣器设计中的一些关键技术和当前发展方向。
The heat release from floor is key nodes in designing of imbed pipe floor heating systems. Application of heating pipe for frying 地板表面散热量是低温地板辐射供暖设计计算中最重要的参数之一。热管在油炸设备中的应用
The polymer material controlled release membrane and drug pellets are the key of controlled release effects, their composition and property will affect the release velocity of controlled release membrane. 在膜控释制剂起主要控释作用的是高分子材料控释膜和药物微粒,它们的结构和性质将直接影响膜控释制剂的释药速率。
The uncontrolled release of cytokines plays a key role in the converting process from stroke concomitant with systemic inflammatory response syndrome to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. 细胞因子的失控性释放在卒中并发全身炎症反应综合征向多器官功能障碍综合征的转化过程中起关键作用。
Effect of Controlled Release Nitrogen Fertilizer on Key Enzymes Activities of Nitrogen Metabolism and Protein Contents in Brown Rice 控释氮肥对水稻氮代谢关键酶活性及糙米蛋白质含量的影响
EV-DO ( Release A) reversed link and its key technologies EV-DO(ReleaseA)反向链路及其关键技术
Fine particle coating was conducted by the rapid expansion of supercritical fluid solution ( RESS) in a fluidized bed for release control of some key component in core particles. The supercritical carbon dioxide solution of paraffin was jetted into the fluidized bed of the core particles. 对超临界流体快速膨胀技术在流化床中进行细颗粒的表面包覆进行了研究,以实现细颗粒中关键成分的有效控制释放。
The WP water release sluice is a key construction to ensure safe operation of the project. 王甫洲水利枢纽泄水闸工程是整个枢纽能否安全运行的关键工程。
TDDS is an important field in development of new types of drug deliveries. However, the controlled release membrane as a key part of TDDS has become the bottle neck of development of TDDS. TDDS是药物新剂型发展的一个重要方向,但TDDS中的关键部分&控释膜的发展已成为TDDS进一步发展的瓶颈。
Functional testing is a process, a large proportion of software testing and software quality and release plays a key role, but the actual demand for different systems, the design of functional tests is different. 而功能测试是软件测试中占很大比例的一个过程,对软件的质量及发布起着关键性的作用,但实际中对于不同系统的需求,功能测试的设计也是不同的。
Such as: stress release system, key instrument of the reliability analysis, emergency management etc. 如:压力释放系统、关键仪表可靠性的分析、应急管理等。
The energy storage, release, transfer and utilization are the key factors in determining skeletal muscle development and pork quality. 猪肌肉组织中能量的贮存、释放、转移和利用是决定肌肉生长发育和猪肉品质的重要因素。
The policy suggestions were Proposed: tax support, expand approval jurisdiction, enjoy treatment of domestic enterprises, expand the small trade authority, optimize financial environment, inspection and quarantine release directly, promote key industry docking and set free trade zone and so on. 提出了财税支持、扩大审批权限、台企享受内资待遇、扩大小额贸易权限、优化金融环境、检验检疫直通放行、促进重点产业对接、设立自由贸易园区等八方面的政策建议。